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school social work association of washington dc

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Young People, They Need Us! (LGBTQ Sexual Health)

  • 31 Aug 2021
  • Recording of live workshop-link will be shared when payment is received


Registration is closed

This two-hour RECORDED workshop is approved for two continuing education units by the DC Board of Social Work and meets criteria for the LGBTQ cultural competency and public health content requirements (upon completion of an evaluation with correct event code provided in the recording). 

Young people are navigating a sexual health information and access system that can be greatly impacted by the adults they interact with, resulting sometimes negatively in their health and well-being.  As youth-serving professionals we have the ability of improving these sexual health navigational challenges in how we interact with young people, what we know their rights are and how we address our responsiveness to their needs. During this workshop of presentation, case scenario discussion and question and answer, participants will learn strategies for engaging with young people, become familiar with District of Columbia’s Minor’s Rights and Confidentiality laws and learning steps for being a more culturally responsive provide with LGBTQ young people.

Training Objectives:

  • Identify best practices of being an askable (trusted adult)
  • Summarize District of Columbia laws, district policies and practices regarding minors right to self-consent and confidentiality for health services
  • List four actionable steps for providing culturally responsive support to LGBTQ young people in virtual and in-person environments 

Presenters: Advocates for Youth, a national organization

When payment is received, the recording and evaluation will be provided to participants. 

SSWA DC believes school social workers in DC are a valued part of the education of all children, connecting schools, families, and communities to support student well-being and success.

2 Massachusetts Ave NE

Unit 76746

Washington, DC 20013 

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